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Can anyone explain the cost of attendance at Holy Cross?

I've been looking into Holy Cross as a potential college option, and I'm trying to understand the total cost of attendance there. Can anyone break down the tuition, fees, room and board, and any other expenses I should be aware of? Thanks!

a month ago

Certainly! The cost of attendance at College of the Holy Cross consists of several components, including tuition, fees, room and board, and additional expenses. Here's a breakdown of their costs for the 2022-2023 academic year (please note that these costs are subject to change yearly):

1. Tuition: $63,650

2. Standard room and board: $18,820 (breakdown - room: $10,500 & board: $8,320)

3. Mandatory fees: $850 (including the Student Activity fee of $420 and the Health Service fee of $430)

These costs add up to a total of $83,320 for tuition, room and board, and fees. However, it's essential to consider additional expenses that students typically incur, such as:

1. Books and supplies: approximately $1,000 (this may vary depending on your major)

2. Personal expenses: about $1,200

3. Transportation: costs can vary greatly depending on your location and how often you travel home or elsewhere

Adding these expenses, the total expected cost of attendance may exceed $85,000 per academic year (keep in mind that these figures are approximate and can vary based on your specific situation).

It's important to remember that you may be eligible for financial aid, which can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses. Holy Cross offers need-based financial aid to eligible students, and they meet 100% of each student's demonstrated financial need. Also, Holy Cross doesn't charge any other hidden or miscellaneous fees beyond the ones mentioned above.

To estimate your costs, including financial aid eligibility, you can use the net price calculator on Holy Cross's website. This will give you a more accurate picture of what you might expect to pay, taking into account scholarships, grants, and any federal loans or work-study opportunities you may be eligible for.

a month ago

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