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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Virtual campus tour experience at Delaware State University?

Since campus visits are limited, I was looking into Delaware State University's virtual campus tour. Has anyone done their online tour? How was your experience? Did it give you a good sense of the campus vibe?

2 months ago

I've heard from many students who have participated in Delaware State University's virtual campus tour, and a majority of them have found it to be quite informative and helpful in getting a sense of the campus layout and facilities. However, keep in mind that virtual tours, in general, might not fully capture the campus vibe, as social dynamics and in-person interactions are often an important part of the college experience.

Nonetheless, the virtual tour can still provide you with valuable insights into the infrastructure, academic buildings, and campus highlights. Additionally, you may want to explore other resources like student blogs, testimonials, and social media groups to learn more about the student life and culture at Delaware State University.

One more recommendation is to attend virtual events organized by the university. DSU might offer virtual open houses, webinars, or online Q&A sessions, which can facilitate interactions with current students and faculty members. These interactions can provide a better understanding of the academic and social environment at DSU and help narrow down any specific concerns or inquiries you might have.

To summarize, while virtual campus tours may not perfectly reproduce the campus vibe, they can still be a great starting point. Make sure to supplement them with additional online resources and virtual events to get a better feel for life at Delaware State University.

2 months ago

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