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Math on the ACT - What to Expect?

I've signed up for the ACT and I want to make sure I'm prepared for the math section. What can I expect in terms of difficulty and types of questions? Any strategies or resources for studying would be super helpful too!

8 months ago

The Math section of the ACT tests your proficiency in mathematical concepts typically covered from 6th to 11th grade, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. The questions gradually increase in difficulty as you progress through the section. Here's what you can expect:

- 60 multiple-choice questions

- 60-minute time limit

- 6 content areas: pre-algebra (20-25%), elementary algebra (15-20%), intermediate algebra (15-20%), coordinate geometry (15-20%), plane geometry (20-25%), and trigonometry (5-10%)

In terms of difficulty, the first 20 questions are generally easier, the next 20 are of medium difficulty, and the last 20 are more challenging.

As you prepare for the ACT Math section, consider the following strategies and resources:

1. Review key formulas and concepts: Make sure you're familiar with essential formulas and concepts, as the ACT doesn't provide a formula sheet. Create flashcards or a study sheet for quick reference.

2. Practice, practice, practice: The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll be with different question types and time management. Use both official and unofficial practice tests to gauge your performance and identify areas for improvement.

3. Time management: Since you have 60 minutes for 60 questions, aim for about one minute per question. However, the questions vary in difficulty, so adjust your pace accordingly. Solve the easier ones quickly, and spend more time on the harder problems. Remember to keep an eye on the clock!

4. Use process of elimination: Since the ACT Math section is multiple-choice, make use of the answer choices to eliminate obviously incorrect or unlikely options. This can improve your chances of selecting the correct answer if you need to guess.

5. More complex problems: When tackling the more difficult questions, break them down into smaller, manageable parts. Solve each part systematically and avoid skipping vital steps.

For study resources, consider the following:

- Official ACT Prep Guide, which includes practice tests and explanations

- ACT's official website ( for free practice questions and test-taking tips

- Khan Academy, which provides video lessons and practice problems for all topics covered on the ACT Math section

- Online forums like CollegeVine or Reddit's ACT community, where you can ask questions, get advice, and share resources with other students

Remember, diligent practice and consistent review of concepts will significantly boost your confidence and performance on the ACT Math section. Good luck!

8 months ago

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