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Universities with high acceptance rates?

Hey everyone! I'm in the process of researching colleges and I'm looking for some options with significantly higher acceptance rates. What are some of the best universities that are less competitive but still offer great programs and experiences?

8 months ago

It's wise to have a range of colleges on your list, including some with higher acceptance rates. Here are a few universities that offer great programs and experiences but are generally less competitive in the admissions process:

1. Arizona State University (ASU): ASU consistently ranks as one of the top public institutions in innovation and has a wide selection of degree programs. The acceptance rate is around 86%.

2. University of Alabama (UA): With an acceptance rate of approximately 83%, UA is known for its strong business, engineering, and communication programs. Additionally, UA offers comprehensive merit and need-based scholarships for its students.

3. Iowa State University (ISU): With a focus on science and technology, ISU has an 89% acceptance rate. The university has solid programs in agricultural sciences, engineering, and design, to name a few.

4. University of Kansas (KU): KU has an acceptance rate of about 93% and is known for its highly-regarded journalism, pharmacy, and engineering programs. Additionally, the campus features numerous sports and extracurricular activities.

5. University of Mississippi (Ole Miss): Boasting an acceptance rate of around 88%, Ole Miss offers a range of strong programs including English, history, and business. The campus has a vibrant social scene and a rich alumni network.

6. Oregon State University (OSU): OSU has an acceptance rate of approximately 82% and features strong programs in natural resources, Earth sciences, and engineering. The university provides various opportunities for research and internships.

7. University of San Francisco (USF): USF, with an acceptance rate of about 70%, offers a range of programs with a focus on social justice. Notable programs include nursing, business, and international studies.

Keep in mind that these universities may have certain programs or departments that are more competitive than others. It's essential to research the specific programs you're interested in to determine if they fit your needs. Also, remember to consider factors like location, size, campus culture, and financial aid opportunities when developing your college list.

8 months ago

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