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Dartmouth Letters of Recommendation?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and starting to think about applying to Dartmouth. Can anyone tell me what the requirements are for letters of recommendation? Is there anything specific I should focus on to make them stand out?

8 months ago

Hi there! When applying to Dartmouth, you'll need to submit at least two letters of recommendation from your teachers and one from your school counselor. The two teacher recommendations should come from individuals who have taught you in core academic subjects (English, math, science, social studies, or foreign languages) and who can provide insight into your intellectual abilities, academic achievement, and personal character.

To make your letters of recommendation stand out, consider the following tips:

1. Choose recommenders who know you well: Select teachers who have had a significant impact on your academic career and who can speak to your drive, dedication, and intellectual curiosity. Ideally, these teachers should have taught you recently (within the past two years).

2. Foster relationships with your recommenders: Before asking for a letter, ensure that your chosen teachers are aware of your academic goals, personal interests, and extracurricular activities. You could organize meetings or speaking with them regularly during the school year and asking for advice or guidance.

3. Provide relevant information: When requesting a recommendation, give your teachers or counselor a short summary of your academic career, personal achievements, and college aspirations. This will help them craft more detailed, personalized letters.

4. Request recommendations early: Give your recommenders plenty of time to write thoughtful, polished letters of recommendation. Ideally, ask at least two months before the application deadline.

5. Be considerate and follow up: After your recommenders agree to write letters on your behalf, thank them and periodically check on their progress to ensure they have everything they need. Once they submit the letters, send a thank-you note expressing your gratitude.

By following these steps, you can help ensure your letters of recommendation showcase your unique qualities, academic achievements, and potential for success at Dartmouth. Good luck with your application!

8 months ago

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