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Which online ACT test prep is the best?

What's up, everyone? I'd appreciate your suggestions on the best online ACT test prep courses! I want to maximize my chances of getting a great score. Thank you!

7 months ago

Hey there! There are several high-quality online ACT test prep resources that can help you improve your score. Here's a list of some popular ones, but remember that what works for one student might not work for another. It's a good idea to try a mix of resources to find the one that resonates with you best.

1. Khan Academy: Although Khan Academy doesn't have a dedicated ACT prep course, their extensive library of video lessons and practice materials in math, science, and grammar can be especially useful in tackling the ACT.

2. Magoosh: Magoosh offers an affordable, comprehensive ACT test prep course that includes video lessons, 1300+ practice questions, and full-length practice tests. They also provide a 4+ point score improvement guarantee.

3. ACT Online Prep: This is the official ACT test prep, featuring a personalized learning path, resources for each test section, and full-length practice tests. It's a paid resource, but you can benefit from the makers of the test themselves.

4. PrepScholar: PrepScholar offers an all-in-one online course with 1500+ practice questions, customized lesson plans, targeted skill building, and several full-length practice tests. They claim a 4+ point guarantee and a 7-day money-back guarantee.

Remember to also take advantage of free resources like the official ACT practice tests released by the ACT organization. These can help you get hands-on experience with the actual test format, timing, and question types. Good luck in your prep journey!

7 months ago

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