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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Determining GPA from letter grades

Hey everyone, I'm a junior trying to figure out my unweighted GPA. So, what numerical score is considered an 'A'? Is it a 4.0 or do different schools have different conversion scales? Any help would be appreciated!

10 months ago

Hey there! Calculating your unweighted GPA can be confusing since there are different scales and methods. However, the most common conversion scale is a 4.0 scale, where 'A' grades are equivalent to 4.0. It typically goes like this:

- A (90-100%) = 4.0

- B (80-89%) = 3.0

- C (70-79%) = 2.0

- D (60-69%) = 1.0

- F (below 60%) = 0.0

It is possible that your school might have a different conversion scale or assign numbers to + and - letter grades as well, so it's always a good idea to check with your school counselor to verify how your specific school calculates GPA. Once you have that information, you can easily calculate your unweighted GPA by:

1. Assigning numerical values to each of your letter grades.

2. Adding up all those values.

3. Dividing the sum by the total number of classes you've taken.

With this method, you'll get your unweighted GPA based on your school's conversion scale.

Good luck, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have further questions!

10 months ago

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