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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Obtaining a Copy of High School Diploma

Hi, guys! I am in need of a copy of my high school diploma. Can anyone guide me on how to get a copy and who should I contact about this?

6 months ago

To obtain a copy of your high school diploma, you should follow these steps:

1. Contact your high school: Get in touch with the main office of the high school you attended. The school may have a procedure for requesting copies of diplomas. Be prepared to provide your full name at graduation, the year you graduated, and your date of birth.

2. Speak with the school registrar or records office: If the main office doesn't handle this, you'll likely need to speak to the registrar or the school's records office. They maintain student records, including diplomas.

3. Provide identification: You may be required to show proof of identity, such as a driver's license or other government-issued ID, before the school can process your request.

4. Pay any associated fees: Some schools may charge a fee for reissuing a diploma. Be prepared to pay this fee, if necessary. The cost can vary depending on the school, so make sure to ask about it during your initial contact.

5. Provide a mailing address or pick up the diploma in person: Once your request is processed, the school may mail you the copy of your diploma or ask you to pick it up in person.

6. Contact your school district: If your high school no longer exists or if you're having difficulty reaching the school's administration, try reaching out to the school district office. They may be able to provide guidance or process your request for a copy of your diploma.

7. Wait for processing: Depending on the school, it may take a few days to several weeks to have your diploma reissued. Be patient and follow up if necessary.

Make sure to keep the contact details of your high school handy, as you may need to get in touch with them for other purposes in the future.

6 months ago

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