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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Kent State University location in Ohio

So, I'm considering applying to Kent State University in Ohio, but I'm unfamiliar with the location. Can anyone tell me what city it's situated in and what the surrounding area is like? Thanks in advance!

6 months ago

Kent State University is located in Kent, Ohio, a small city about 45 minutes southeast of Cleveland and 15 minutes east of Akron. The campus is nestled within a suburban setting, giving it a comfortable, close-knit feel, while still being close to urban areas.

The surrounding area offers a blend of outdoor activities, cultural attractions, and shopping options. There's the Cuyahoga Valley National Park nearby for hiking and other outdoor adventures. In addition, Kent has a charming downtown area with a mix of locally-owned shops, restaurants, and cafes. The university itself enriches the local arts scene with galleries, performances, and events that showcase the talents of the student body.

Overall, Kent State University offers a mix of suburban and urban amenities, providing students with a well-rounded college experience. While it may not be as bustling as larger cities, Kent maintains a sense of community and offers a variety of opportunities for entertainment, relaxation, and engagement.

6 months ago

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