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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How many AP classes do Ivy League schools expect applicants to take?

Hey guys, I'm trying to plan out my senior schedule and am wondering if there's a certain number of AP classes Ivy League schools expect applicants to have taken. Would appreciate any advice!

a year ago

Hi there! There isn't a specific number of AP classes that Ivy League schools expect applicants to take. However, these colleges do look for students who have challenged themselves academically through their high school career.

Consider looking at your school's course offerings and selecting the most rigorous courses available in the subjects that interest and align with your intended major. It might be helpful to balance a challenging course load with courses that you truly enjoy, in order to maintain a good GPA and demonstrate passion in your area of study.

For perspective, my own child applied to Ivy League schools and took a total of 8 AP classes throughout high school. But remember, every school and applicant is different. Some students might take more or fewer AP classes based on what is offered at their school or their individual strengths and interests.

Ultimately, focus on what will make you a well-rounded and academically strong applicant rather than trying to meet a specific number of AP courses. Demonstrating your dedication and passion to your education will help make your application stand out.

a year ago

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