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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How important is it to have a 'hook' in your college application?

Hello everyone! I'm a junior and I've been hearing a lot about the importance of having a 'hook' in your college application. I'm not entirely sure what that means or if I have one. Can someone explain what a 'hook' is and how important it is in the college admissions process? Thank you!

a year ago

Hi there! A 'hook' in a college application is basically a unique aspect or selling point that makes you stand out from other applicants. It can be anything from extraordinary athletic ability, exceptional artistic talent, or other significant achievements or experiences. In some cases, a hook can also be something like being a legacy applicant (having family members who attended the same college) or coming from an underrepresented background. The goal is to have something that catches the attention of the admissions officers and makes them remember you.

Now, as for the importance of having a hook, it can definitely be beneficial in the admissions process. However, it's not the only factor that colleges consider when reviewing applications. Colleges look at a variety of factors, such as your academic performance, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, recommendation letters, and essays. A hook can enhance your application, but it's not a guarantee for acceptance.

So, while it's great if you have a hook, don't stress too much if you don't think you have one. Focus on showcasing your strengths and passions in your application. Good luck with the process!

a year ago

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