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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Should I take AP classes if they're not related to my intended major?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior trying to plan out my senior year schedule. I want to major in engineering, but my school offers some interesting AP classes in other subjects. Do colleges care if I take AP classes that aren't related to my intended major? Will it help my application? Thanks for any input!

a year ago

Hey there! I can understand how planning your senior year can be a bit overwhelming. In my experience with my own child, taking AP courses outside of their intended major actually proved to be beneficial. Colleges often appreciate a well-rounded student, and showing that you can excel in different subjects could make your application stand out. Additionally, if you do well on the AP exams, you could earn college credits and potentially fulfill some general education requirements, regardless of whether they're directly related to your major or not. So, taking AP classes that interest you can be a great idea, as long as you can handle the workload and maintain a good GPA. Plus, exploring different subjects can help you develop a broader skill set and might even spark new interests. Best of luck with your senior year planning!

a year ago

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