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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When do colleges send out acceptance letters?

I know it's early to think about this, but when do colleges typically send out acceptance letters? I want to be mentally prepared for when that time of the year comes. Do all colleges send them out at around the same time, or does it vary?

a year ago

It's good to be prepared for the college acceptance timeline! The timeframe varies depending on the type of application process followed by each institution. For colleges with Early Action (EA) and Early Decision (ED) deadlines, acceptance letters usually arrive around mid-December. Regular Decision applications typically receive responses between late March and early April.

Some colleges have rolling admissions, meaning they send out acceptance letters on a continuous basis as they review applications. In these cases, you'll typically get a response within a few weeks of submitting your application, depending on how soon you apply.

Remember, each college has its own timeline, and the above is just a general guideline. To give you a better idea of what to expect for specific schools, I recommend reading CollegeVine's blog post on the subject: When Do College Acceptance Letters Arrive?

Best of luck with your college journey!

a year ago

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