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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are the benefits of early decision and early action?

Hey there, I've heard that applying early decision or early action can increase my chances of getting into my top-choice college, but I'm not sure about the pros and cons of each option. Can anyone explain the benefits of ED and EA and help me decide which one might be right for me? Thank you so much!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering early decision (ED) and early action (EA) as options for your college application process. The main benefit of both ED and EA is that applying early can demonstrate your interest and commitment to a particular school, which might improve your chances of admission. Let me break down the benefits for each option.

Early Decision (ED): This is a binding option, meaning if you're accepted, you commit to attend that college and withdraw all other applications. The benefits of ED are that colleges tend to have higher acceptance rates in the ED round, and you'll hear back from the college earlier, typically in December. This can reduce your stress since you'll know the outcome sooner.

Early Action (EA): This is a non-binding option, so you're not required to attend if accepted. The benefit of EA is that you can demonstrate your interest in a college while still having the flexibility to compare offers and financial aid packages from other schools. You'll also hear back earlier than regular decision applicants.

In choosing between ED and EA, consider your level of commitment to a specific college and your need for financial aid flexibility. If you're 100% sure about your top-choice school and can afford it, ED might be a good option. Otherwise, EA could be a better fit. Best of luck!

a year ago

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