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A&M GPA requirements for admission?

Hey, so I'm interested in applying to A&M and I wanted to get an idea of what kind of GPA I should aim for. What are the typical GPA requirements for incoming freshmen, both weighted and unweighted?

8 months ago

Hello! Texas A&M University doesn't have a strict minimum GPA requirement for admission, but to be competitive, you should aim for a strong academic record. The average unweighted GPA for admitted freshmen falls in the range of 3.55 to 3.9.

Keep in mind that A&M takes a holistic approach to reviewing applications, which means they consider more than just GPA. Factors such as course rigor (number of advanced courses taken), class rank, extracurricular involvement, and essays also play a significant role in the admissions process. So, while maintaining a high GPA is important, it's essential to showcase your strengths in other aspects of your application as well.

In summary, aim for the best GPA you can achieve for your circumstances, preferably within the average range for admitted students (3.55-3.9 unweighted), and make sure to highlight your other accomplishments to present a well-rounded application. Good luck with your application to Texas A&M!

8 months ago

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