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Looking for recent AP Lit FRQ examples

Hi, does anyone have a link to some recent AP Lit free-response questions? I want to practice my essay-writing skills for the upcoming exam. Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hey there! For recent AP Lit free-response questions, you can check out the College Board's official website. They provide free-response questions from past years, which are excellent resources for practicing and sharpening your essay-writing skills. Here's a direct link to the AP Literature and Composition past exam questions page:

You’ll be able to find questions from the past few years and can practice answering them within the given time frame to simulate the actual test-taking experience. Be sure to review the scoring guidelines provided as well, so you can learn how to address specific elements that the graders will be looking for in your essays. Good luck with your practice and exam preparation!

8 months ago

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