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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Pre-med Program Overview

So, I know I want to be a doctor and I've heard about pre-med programs. Can someone explain to me what exactly a pre-med program is and how it helps with getting into med school?

8 months ago

A pre-med program is not a specific major or degree program, but rather a recommended track and set of courses that undergraduate students follow in preparation for medical school. The goal of pre-med programs is to ensure that students have a solid foundation in the sciences and other subjects relevant to a medical career, which will make them stronger applicants for medical schools and help them excel once they're there.

Pre-med students don't pursue a specific "pre-med" major; instead, they usually choose a major in a related field, such as biology, chemistry, or physics. However, students from any major can be pre-med as long as they complete the prerequisite courses required by medical schools. These courses usually include subjects like general chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, physics, and math (calculus or statistics), along with coursework in humanities and social sciences.

In addition to completing pre-requisite courses, pre-med students can participate in extracurricular activities to strengthen their medical school applications. Activities might include clinical experiences (shadowing doctors, volunteering in hospitals or clinics), research internships, or involvement in pre-med or other medically-focused clubs on campus.

Pre-med programs also typically provide some form of academic advising to guide students throughout their undergraduate years on topics like course selection, research opportunities, MCAT preparation, securing clinical experiences, and the medical school application process.

By carefully following pre-med programs' guidance and completing the prerequisites, students demonstrate to medical schools that they have the academic foundation and dedication needed for success in a demanding and rigorous medical education. This can improve their chances of being admitted into a medical school and eventually becoming doctors.

8 months ago

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