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AP Statistics Practice Test Resources

Hey there! I'm trying to find some solid AP Statistics practice tests with multiple-choice questions. Does anyone have any recommendations for where to find these tests? Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're preparing for your AP Statistics exam. There are a few resources that can help you find practice tests with multiple-choice questions:

1. College Board: The first place you should check is the AP Statistics Exam page on the College Board website. They offer sample questions and free-response questions from previous exams, along with accompanying scoring guidelines.

2. Official AP Statistics Course and Exam Description: This document, provided by College Board, contains detailed information about the course and exam, including a full practice exam with multiple-choice questions and free-response questions. You'll need a College Board account to access it, but it's a valuable resource for exam preparation.

3. AP Classroom: If you're enrolled in an AP Stats course at your school, your teacher may have access to AP Classroom, another resource provided by College Board. AP Classroom offers additional multiple-choice and free-response questions that your teacher can assign as practice.

4. Study guide books: There are various AP Statistics prep books available, such as The Princeton Review's Cracking the AP Statistics Exam or Barron's AP Statistics. These books often include practice exams with multiple-choice questions, alongside other valuable study materials and test-taking strategies.

5. Online resources: Several websites provide free AP Statistics practice tests or practice questions. Websites like, Varsity Tutors, and High School Test Prep offer sets of questions for you to practice with. Make sure to read reviews and confirm the quality of these resources before relying on them.

Remember to practice under timed conditions and to familiarize yourself with the format of the exam. Reviewing the material, practicing multiple-choice questions, and analyzing your performance will help improve your understanding and performance on the actual AP Statistics exam. Good luck!

8 months ago

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