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How can I access my AP scores earlier than the official release date?

I'm super anxious about my AP test scores and I've heard that there are ways to view them earlier than the official date. Do any of you guys know how to do this? Is it even possible?

6 months ago

While I understand your eagerness to access your AP scores early, College Board has implemented strict measures to ensure the scores are only accessible on the official release date. It's best to wait for the official release date to get your scores, rather than trying to find any workaround.

You can find the release schedule on the College Board website - make sure to have your College Board account login credentials ready on the big day, so that you can access your scores as soon as they are available.

In the meantime, try to stay patient and focus on other things. Trust that you did your best on the exams and remember that regardless of the scores, you have learned valuable skills and gained knowledge throughout your AP classes.

Plus, in terms of college admissions, your performance in the overall class is generally more important than the score you earn on the exam. If you want to reassure yourself by reading more about the role of AP scores specifically in the college process, I'd recommend checking out this blog post from CollegeVine:

Good luck - fingers crossed you have some great scores coming your way soon!

6 months ago

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