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Can I write my college essay in a humorous tone?

Hello everyone, I have a funny story that I think would make a great college essay, but I'm not sure if a humorous tone is appropriate. Can I write a funny essay, or should I stick to a more serious and formal tone? I want to make sure my essay is well-received by admissions officers. Thanks for any advice!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you have a funny story you'd like to share in your college essay. A humorous tone can definitely work, as long as it's balanced with meaningful content that showcases your personality, values, and experiences. When done well, a funny essay can help you stand out and make a lasting impression on admissions officers.

Remember that the most important aspect of your essay is the message you are trying to convey about yourself. If your story serves that objective and the humor is natural and appropriate, go for it. Just make sure your essay doesn't rely solely on the humor to be impactful. It's also essential that you understand your audience, as humor can be subjective, and what's funny to you might not be to someone else.

My child wrote an essay in a humorous tone, and it worked well for them. They combined the fun aspects of their story with personal growth and learnings from the experience. Just remember to have someone you trust review your essay, provide feedback, and ensure the humor comes across as intended. Good luck, and I'm sure you'll do great!

a year ago

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