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List of Division 2 Football Schools

Hey guys, I'm a junior in high school and I'm looking to play football in college. My best shot is at a D2 school. Can anyone help me find a list of all Division 2 football colleges in the US?

9 months ago

Hi there! Division 2 schools can be a great opportunity for student-athletes who want to compete in college football while still focusing on academics. There are over 150 Division 2 schools with football programs in the United States, so I'll provide an overview of conferences and some examples of schools within those conferences.

Here's a list of the NCAA Division 2 football conferences, followed by a few examples of colleges in each conference:

1. Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference (CACC)

- Felician University

- Georgian Court University

2. Great American Conference (GAC)

- East Central University

- Henderson State University

3. Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (GLIAC)

- Davenport University

- Grand Valley State University

4. Great Lakes Valley Conference (GLVC)

- Lindenwood University

- University of Indianapolis

5. Great Midwest Athletic Conference (G-MAC)

- Hillsdale College

- Lake Erie College

6. Gulf South Conference (GSC)

- Delta State University

- University of West Florida

7. Lone Star Conference (LSC)

- Angelo State University

- Midwestern State University

8. Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association (MIAA)

- Central Missouri University

- Missouri Western State University

9. Mountain East Conference (MEC)

- Fairmont State University

- Glenville State College

10. Northeast-10 Conference (NE10)

- American International College

- Bentley University

11. Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference (NSIC)

- Augustana University

- Winona State University

12. Peach Belt Conference (PBC)

- Lander University

- University of North Georgia

13. Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC)

- Bloomsburg University

- Indiana University of Pennsylvania

14. Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference (RMAC)

- Adams State University

- Colorado Mesa University

15. South Atlantic Conference (SAC)

- Carson-Newman University

- Lenoir-Rhyne University

16. Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SIAC)

- Albany State University

- Clark Atlanta University

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and I would encourage you to research each conference and its member schools to find a program that best fits your needs academically, athletically, and socially.

Best of luck in your search and future football career!

9 months ago

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