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Is it worth applying to colleges that don't offer merit scholarships?

Hey there! I'm wondering if it's worth applying to colleges that don't provide merit scholarships. While some of these schools are my top choices, I'm concerned about the cost of attendance. What factors should I consider when applying to such schools? Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hello! I understand your concern about the cost of college. It's definitely a significant factor to consider when applying to schools. When deciding whether to apply to colleges that don't offer merit scholarships, think about the following aspects:

1. Financial aid: Many schools may not offer specific merit scholarships, but they do provide strong financial aid packages based on the family's need. If you qualify for need-based aid, attending these schools might still be affordable.

2. Return on investment: Consider the long-term value of the school, including its reputation, alumni network, and job placement rates. If a college has a high return on investment, it might be worth taking on more debt.

3. Outside scholarships: Don't forget that there are numerous external scholarships you can apply for to help offset the cost of attendance.

Ultimately, you'll need to weigh the potential benefits against the cost of attending these schools. Good luck!

a year ago

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