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What's the average GPA for students admitted to Stanford?

Hey everyone, I was just curious about what the average GPA is for students who get accepted into Stanford. I'm aiming high and want to make sure I'm on the right track.

2 months ago

The average GPA for students admitted to Stanford is typically quite high. While Stanford doesn't publish exact GPA statistics, it's safe to assume most accepted students had a GPA very close to a 4.0 on an unweighted scale, or well above 4.0 on a weighted scale.

However, it's important to note that GPA is just one aspect of a competitive application, as Stanford uses a holistic admissions process. While a high GPA is certainly important, other factors like test scores, extracurricular involvement, essays, and letters of recommendation also play a significant role in determining admission. Standing out with unique accomplishments, a deep commitment to your passions, and demonstrating how you'll contribute to the Stanford community in each piece of your application is crucial, as at such a competitive school, no single accolade will get you in on its own.

Ultimately, the key to success when aiming for a highly selective school like Stanford is to excel academically while also showcasing other noteworthy strengths and achievements. If you're looking for tips on how to strengthen your overall application, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle Stanford's school-specific supplemental essays: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-stanford-university-essays/. After all, most Stanford applicants have excellent academic credentials, so admissions officers often rely on other, more subjective factors, like the personal qualities showcased in the essays, when making their final decisions.

Good luck with your application to Stanford!

2 months ago

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