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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What resources should I use to study for the ACT?

Hello! I'm a high school junior and I'm planning on taking the ACT soon. I'm a little anxious about preparing for the test and I'm not sure what resources to use. Can anyone recommend some helpful study materials or strategies for the ACT? I would really appreciate it!

a year ago

Hi there! My child went through the same process not too long ago, so I can definitely share some resources that worked for them. Firstly, check out the official ACT website - they offer a free study guide with practice questions and explanations. If you're willing to invest a little, the Official ACT Prep Guide is also a great resource, as it contains real ACT tests from previous years. Additionally, online platforms like Khan Academy and ACT Academy offer free personalized test prep. Some students also find success with test prep books like 'The Complete Guide to ACT English' and 'The Complete Guide to ACT Reading' by Erica Meltzer, or 'For the Love of ACT Science' by Michael Cerro. Don't forget to take practice tests regularly and review your answers to understand your mistakes. Good luck with your preparation!

a year ago

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