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Would a 1520 SAT score be strong enough for Ivy League admissions?

Just got my SAT results back and scored a 1520. I'm pretty satisfied with it, but I want to apply to some Ivy League schools like Columbia and Penn. Is my score competitive for these schools, or should I consider retaking the SAT? Thanks in advance for any advice!

a year ago

Congratulations on your impressive 1520 SAT score! A score like that is certainly competitive for Ivy League schools, including Columbia and Penn. Columbia's middle 50% SAT is around 1490-1560 and and Penn's is 1510-1560.

While your score may be on the lower end of the range for some Ivies, it should not disqualify your application from being considered, provided that you also have a strong GPA and course rigor. The way admissions at competitive schools works is this: they calculate something called the Academic Index, which represents the strength of your GPA, test scores, and coursework. If you pass their Academic Index threshold, your application gets read. Here's more about the Academic Index:

The difference between a 1520 and a slightly higher score is very likely not going to make or break your application. It it is more worthwhile to strengthen other parts of your application, such as your essays and extracurricular involvement. Best of luck with your college admissions journey!

a year ago

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