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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do colleges evaluate pass/fail classes taken during the pandemic?

Like many students, I had to take some pass/fail classes during the pandemic as my school switched to remote learning. How do colleges evaluate these types of classes when reviewing applications? Thanks!

a year ago

I understand your concern regarding pass/fail classes taken during the pandemic, as it has been quite an unusual time for students and educators alike. When reviewing applications, colleges are aware of the unprecedented circumstances that students like you encountered during this time, and they take that into consideration.

It's important to realize that admissions officers look at applications holistically, meaning they consider multiple factors besides grades alone. Factors such as extracurricular activities, personal essays, and teacher recommendations also play a crucial role in the evaluation process. Regarding pass/fail classes, colleges are likely to be more lenient in assessing how these courses factor into your academic profile due to the extraordinary situation.

However, it's still crucial to maintain solid academic performance in your other courses and demonstrate your commitment to learning. If you have any additional details or explanations about your pass/fail courses, you can include them in your application to provide context.

a year ago

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