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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can I showcase my leadership experience on college applications?

Hey everyone! I have pretty solid leadership experience as a captain of my school's debate team and a co-founder of a community service club. What's the best way to highlight these experiences on my college applications? Should I focus on them in my essay or is there a better place within the application to elaborate? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi! It's great that you have valuable leadership experience. In the Common Application, you'll find an 'Activities' section where you can list your extracurriculars and describe your responsibilities as a leader. Make sure to pick strong verbs to showcase your involvement and impact.

For one of your leadership roles, you can even consider writing about it in your essay if there’s a meaningful connection, growth, or story that you’d like to share. Just make sure it ties to your personal journey and isn't just a recap of the activities.

You could also request a letter of recommendation from a debate coach or club advisor who can vouch for your leadership skills. Colleges love direct testimonials about your leadership abilities from a third-party perspective. Just make sure to balance showcasing your leadership with other aspects of your personality and skills. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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