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What are my chances of getting into an Ivy League school with a full scholarship as a visual arts major?

Hi everyone, I'm a high school junior, and I am planning to major in visual arts when I apply to college. I have a strong portfolio and have won several regional art competitions. I was wondering if I have good chances of getting into an Ivy League school with a full scholarship. Any thoughts or experiences? Thank you!

a year ago

Hello there, it's terrific to hear about your strong portfolio and competition achievements! To answer your question, Ivy League schools are known for their generous financial aid policies, which are often based on family income and demonstrated financial need. While specific scholarships for visual arts may not be equally abundant, you certainly have a chance to receive significant financial support.

Admissions to Ivy League schools are highly competitive, so it's crucial to focus not only on your art accomplishments but also on maintaining a high GPA and standardized test scores. In addition to that, extracurricular activities and a well-crafted application essay will strengthen your chances.

Remember, Ivy League schools may not always be the best fit for a visual arts major. Consider researching other top art programs in schools, such as RISD or CalArts, that can offer you a comprehensive education and scholarships dedicated to the arts. Good luck with your college search and applications!

a year ago

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