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How to meet Pratt admission requirements?

Hey everyone! I'm really hoping to get into Pratt Institute, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the application requirements. Can anyone help me understand what they're looking for in terms of GPA, testing, and other criteria? Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hi there! I understand that applying to college can be overwhelming, but I'm here to help you break down the admission requirements for Pratt Institute.

1. High school transcript: Pratt will evaluate your academic performance throughout high school, by considering your course rigor and overall GPA. Although they don't have a minimum GPA requirement, it's important to do your best in your classes and try to take challenging courses.

2. Standardized test scores (optional): Pratt went test-optional in 2020. They no longer require SAT or ACT scores, but you may submit them if you feel they will enhance your application. If you choose to submit your scores, aim for an SAT score around 1300 or an ACT score of around 29 to be competitive.

3. Portfolio: As an art and design school, the portfolio is a crucial part of your application. Pratt requires 12-20 examples of your best and most recent work, which should showcase a range of techniques, mediums, and subject matter. Make sure to review their portfolio tips and follow the guidelines on their website.

4. Essay: Pratt requires a 500-word essay, which usually focuses on your interest in your chosen field of study and how you see yourself growing and evolving as an artist/designer. Be genuine and honest about your passion and motivations.

5. Letters of recommendation: Pratt recommends (but does not require) at least one letter of recommendation from an art/academic teacher or a counselor. Make sure to ask someone who knows you well and can speak on your potential as a student and artist.

6. Application and fee: Complete and submit the Common Application, along with a $50 application fee ($90 for international students). If you're worried about the application fee, ask your high school guidance counselor about your eligibility for a fee waiver.

7. Additional requirements for specific programs: Some programs may have additional requirements. For example, architecture applicants must submit a creative visual or writing sample in addition to their portfolio. Check the program requirements on Pratt's website to make sure you meet any additional criteria, and don't hesitate to reach out directly to Pratt's admissions office with any questions you may have, to make sure you don't miss anything.

In summary, focus on maintaining a strong academic performance, creating an impressive portfolio that showcases your artistic abilities, and crafting a thoughtful essay that demonstrates your passion for your chosen field. Remember to stay organized and keep track of deadlines to ensure a smooth application process. Best of luck!

8 months ago

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