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Info on the oldest Jesuit university?

I'm interested in learning more about the oldest Jesuit university in the United States. What is its name and where is it located? Can someone also provide a brief overview of its history, academic programs, and campus life? I'm considering Jesuit schools for college and want to know more about their roots.

8 months ago

The oldest Jesuit university in the United States is Georgetown University, located in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1789 by John Carroll, the first Catholic bishop of the country, Georgetown is the oldest Catholic university in the U.S.

Georgetown University has a rich history marked by its commitment to Jesuit values, such as social justice, community service, and intellectual curiosity. Today, the university continues to uphold these values, incorporated into its academic programs and campus life.

Academically, Georgetown offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs across nine schools, including the highly regarded Walsh School of Foreign Service, McDonough School of Business, and Georgetown Law. Students can choose from over 60 majors, and interdisciplinary programs are also available to provide a more comprehensive education. The university is particularly well-known for its strong programs in international relations, business, political science, and law.

The campus environment at Georgetown is vibrant and diverse, with numerous opportunities for student engagement, including over 200 student organizations, clubs, and intramural sports. Additionally, Georgetown's location in the nation's capital offers students unique opportunities for internships, research, and exposure to national and global leaders.

Students at Georgetown benefit from a strong sense of community and support, with an emphasis on cura personalis, or "care for the whole person." This Jesuit principle assures students are supported mentally, physically, and spiritually during their time at the university. Georgetown is also committed to service and social justice, with programs and initiatives dedicated to fostering a positive impact on local and global communities.

Overall, Georgetown University's status as the oldest Jesuit university in the United States serves as a testament to the lasting influence of its Jesuit values and dedication to academic excellence, which continue to shape the lives of its students and alumni.

8 months ago

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