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What's considered a passing PSAT score?

Hey, y'all! So, I got my PSAT scores back, and I'm a little bit stressed about them. What is considered a passing PSAT score? I'm just trying to figure out if I need to start worrying and preparing more for the SAT. Thanks!

8 months ago

Hey there! First, it's important to remember that the PSAT isn't designed as a pass/fail exam, but rather as a practice test to help you prepare for the SAT and determine your eligibility for the National Merit Scholarship Program. With that being said, there isn't a "passing" score, per se.

PSAT scores range from 320 to 1520. To better understand your score performance, you can compare it with the average PSAT scores—typically, around 920 for sophomores and 1010 for juniors. If your score is around these averages or higher, you're doing well compared to other test-takers. It's advisable, however, to target a higher score to be on the competitive side for college admissions, especially for top-tier schools.

Regarding the National Merit Scholarship Program, the competition uses the Selection Index (the sum of your three PSAT section scores, multiplied by 2) to determine which students qualify as Commended Scholars or Semifinalists. In recent years, the Commended Scholar cutoff has been around a 212, while the Semifinalist cutoff varies by state, typically ranging from the high 210s to low 220s.

Regardless of your PSAT score, remember, it's just one component of your college application. To prepare for the SAT, be sure to practice regularly, review your weak areas, and consider using official SAT prep materials or seeking the help of a tutor or prep course. Good luck with your SAT prep!

8 months ago

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