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Mass Maritime Cost

So, I'm seriously considering applying to Massachusetts Maritime Academy, but I'm a bit worried about the cost. What's the financial situation like for students attending Mass Maritime? Are there scholarships and financial aid options available?

8 months ago

Massachusetts Maritime Academy is known for offering quality education with a reasonable price tag compared to other schools. To give you an idea of the costs for the 2024-2025 academic year, the estimated tuition for in-state students is approximately $10,478, while out-of-state tuition is around $25,018. Additionally, you'll need to factor in the costs of room and board, which are roughly $14,000, and other fees like books, supplies, and transportation.

Financial aid is available to help alleviate some of these expenses. When you submit your college applications, be sure to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine your eligibility for financial support from the federal government. This support can include grants, work-study, and low-interest loans. Massachusetts Maritime Academy also offers need-based financial aid packages, and will take into consideration your calculated Student Aid Index (SAI) from your FAFSA to determine the level of institutional aid you may be eligible for.

As for scholarships, Massachusetts Maritime Academy provides a variety of options. Some scholarships are merit-based, which means they are awarded to students with strong academic achievements or exceptional talents in specific areas like leadership or community service. Others are centered around certain majors or reserved for students from specific geographic regions. Make sure to review the school's scholarship database and complete any additional required applications to improve your chances of receiving funding.

Additionally, external scholarships are available from private organizations and foundations, which can help cover educational expenses. When searching for these scholarships, it's essential to start early, be persistent, and apply to as many as possible. Websites like Fastweb or can help you with your search.

Finally, you may want to consider on-campus work opportunities or part-time employment in the local community. These options can help offset some of your college costs and provide valuable work experience.

To get a better idea of your personal financial situation at Mass Maritime, visit the school's website and use their net price calculator. This tool estimates your potential financial aid package based on your unique financial situation, to give you a clearer picture of what your expenses might look like. And you can always reach out to their financial aid office directly with any specific questions you have about your personal circumstances.

Good luck!

8 months ago

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