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Southwestern University Average SAT Score?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and considering applying to Southwestern University. Can anyone tell me what the average SAT scores are for this school? Thanks!

8 months ago

Hi there! Southwestern University, located in Georgetown, Texas, is a moderately selective private liberal arts college. Southwestern is currently test-optional, but to get a sense of what they're looking for academically, you can look at some SAT averages of previously admitted students.

For the Class of 2021, the middle 50% SAT score range of students admitted to Southwestern University was between 1150 and 1320. This means that 25% of students had a score below 1150, and 25% had a score above 1320. Remember that SAT scores are just one factor in the admissions process, and a strong application will also include things like a strong GPA, well-written essays, extracurricular activities, and positive recommendation letters.

That being said, if your SAT score falls below the middle 50% range, don't be discouraged from applying. Southwestern University takes a holistic approach to admissions, so they'll evaluate your application based on all of its components. Moreover, you can use your senior year to work on improving your grades and engage in meaningful extracurriculars to strengthen your overall application. Good luck!

8 months ago

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