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Montana Universities Acceptance Rates

Hey there! I'm researching colleges in Montana and was curious about the acceptance rates for universities in the state. Do any of you know what the general acceptance rates are like for Montana universities? Thanks for any information you can provide!

8 months ago

Hi there! I'm happy to help provide some general acceptance rate figures for universities in Montana. Here are the acceptance rates for a few notable universities in the state:

1. University of Montana (UM): The University of Montana, located in Missoula, has an acceptance rate of about 92%. The university offers diverse programs across various fields like arts, sciences, business, and education.

2. Montana State University (MSU): Montana State University is situated in Bozeman and has an acceptance rate of approximately 82%. MSU is known for its STEM programs, along with programs in agriculture, engineering, nursing, and more.

3. Montana Tech: Located in Butte, Montana Tech focuses on engineering, applied sciences, and health sciences. The acceptance rate at Montana Tech is typically around 89%.

4. Carroll College: A private, liberal arts college in Helena, Carroll College features an acceptance rate of around 68%. Carroll College offers a range of programs in areas such as arts, sciences, business, and health professions.

These are just a few examples of the universities in Montana and their respective acceptance rates. Keep in mind that acceptance rates can change from year to year, so it's always a good idea to verify the current information with each individual university's admissions office or website. Good luck with your college search!

8 months ago

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