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| 800 verbal


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What's the average GPA for admitted students at Loyola Chicago?

Hi all. I'm a junior considering applying to Loyola University Chicago next year. I'm a little stressed about my GPA, so I was wondering what the average GPA is for admitted students at Loyola Chicago? Any input would be great!

8 months ago

Hello! The average high school GPA for admitted students at Loyola University Chicago is around 3.77 on a 4.0 scale, which is considered competitive. However, keep in mind that admissions aren't solely based on GPA; Loyola Chicago will also consider your extracurricular activities, essays, and teacher recommendations, among other factors.

Admitted students typically have a mix of A's and B's in their high school coursework, and it's essential to maintain a strong academic performance in a rigorous course load. Demonstrating an upward trend in your GPA throughout high school can also be helpful. As you prepare your application, focus on showcasing your strengths and interests, as well as how you would contribute to the Loyola Chicago community.

Best of luck with your application!

8 months ago

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