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What does a Stanford acceptance package look like?

Hey guys! I was just wondering if anyone here has received a Stanford acceptance letter/package and could describe what it looks like? I've heard there's an artsy tree involved, but I'm curious to know more!

6 months ago

Hi there! While I haven't personally received a Stanford acceptance package, I've gathered information based on the experiences of others who have. Here's a quick rundown of what you can expect:

1. Email notification: Initially, you'll receive an email from Stanford stating that there's an update to your application. This email will direct you to check your applicant portal.

2. Applicant Portal: Once you log in to the applicant portal, you'll find a digital copy of your acceptance letter, which is usually signed by the Dean of Admission. In this letter, you'll be officially congratulated on your acceptance and provided with some additional details about Stanford.

3. Physical package: Following the digital acceptance, you'll receive a physical package in the mail. This is the part you're probably most excited about! The package typically includes a congratulatory letter and a colorfully designed folder. It's true – one of the standout elements of this package is the artsy tree graphic!

4. Inside the folder: Within the folder, you can expect to find several informational brochures covering topics such as financial aid, housing, and the admitted students' weekend, plus some Stanford University stickers, or other fun items that showcase your new school pride!

So, that's a general overview of what the Stanford acceptance package looks like. Of course, the contents may vary slightly each year, but this should give you a good idea of what to expect. And who knows, maybe one day you'll be able to see it for yourself! Best of luck!

6 months ago

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