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Is a 21 ACT score good enough?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and I just got my ACT score back. I got a 21 and I'm not sure if that's considered a good score. What do you think? Does it heavily affect college admissions?

8 months ago

A 21 on the ACT is considered an average score, as it is right around the national average of 20.6. Whether a score of 21 is considered good or not depends on the colleges you are interested in applying to and your academic profile as a whole.

For less selective colleges, a score of 21 may be sufficient for admission. However, for more competitive institutions, you might need a higher score to improve your chances of being admitted. It's important to research the middle 50% ACT score ranges for the colleges you're interested in, as this data will give you a better idea of how your score compares to other applicants. You can usually find information about middle 50% ranges directly on a school's website.

Of course, your ACT score is just one part of your college application, and admissions officers consider your application holistically. They'll also look at your grades, application essays, recommendations, and extracurricular activities. That said, having a competitive ACT score can help you demonstrate your academic abilities and increase your chances of admission, especially at more selective schools.

If you're aiming for a higher ACT score, you may want to consider retaking the test and engaging in some test prep strategies, such as using official ACT practice tests, enrolling in an ACT prep course, or working with a tutor. Just remember to balance your efforts in improving your test scores with focusing on other aspects of your application, like maintaining a strong GPA and participating in meaningful extracurricular activities. Good luck!

8 months ago

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