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What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Duke acceptance stats

Yo, I've got my sights set on Duke University, but I'm kinda curious about their acceptance statistics. Can anyone fill me in on their acceptance rate, average GPA, and any other interesting stats? Thanks!

6 months ago

Hey there! Duke University is a highly selective institution, but it's great that you're setting your sights on it. Here are some of the acceptance statistics you're looking for:

Acceptance Rate: For the Class of 2027, Duke had an acceptance rate of around 6.3% for Regular Decision applicants, which is quite competitive.

Average GPA: Duke doesn't provide an explicit average GPA for admitted students. However, the academic profile of their admitted students is typically very strong, with applicants often having a high school GPA of 3.8 or above (unweighted) or a 4.3 or above (weighted). Keep in mind that Duke considers both unweighted and weighted GPA in the context of the rigor of your course selection.

Test Scores (middle 50% range for Class of 2027):

- SAT: 1520-1570

- ACT: 34-35

Duke is also known for its emphasis on research, so strong applicants usually demonstrate their abilities through accomplishments in research or related extracurricular activities.

Remember, Duke, like most top universities, practices a holistic review of applications, so beyond your GPA and test scores, factors like your essays, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, and demonstrated interest in the university are all taken into account during the admissions process.

I hope this helps you get a better understanding of Duke's acceptance statistics. Good luck with your application!

6 months ago

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