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How do I calculate my ACT score?

Hey guys, just took a practice ACT and I'm a bit confused about how scoring works. Can someone explain how to calculate my overall composite score from my individual section scores? Thanks!

10 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help you calculate your ACT composite score! The ACT has four sections: English, Math, Reading, and Science. Each of these sections is scored on a scale of 1-36. To calculate your ACT composite score, follow these steps:

1. First, find the raw score for each section by counting the number of correct answers in that section. The maximum raw score for English is 75, for Math is 60, for Reading is 40, and for Science is 40.

2. Then, convert each raw score to its respective scaled score. The ACT provides a scoring table, or "conversion chart," that shows the corresponding scaled score for each raw score. You can find this table in the official ACT guide or online.

3. Add up the four scaled scores (one for each section) and divide the sum by four.

4. Round the result to the nearest whole number. This number is your ACT composite score.

Your ACT composite score will be a whole number between 1 and 36. Remember that the composite score is the average of your four section scores, so doing exceptionally well in one section while performing poorly in another will impact your overall score. It's important to practice and improve on all sections of the ACT for the best possible composite score. Good luck with your future ACT practice!

10 months ago

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