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Requesting high school transcripts online?

Hey! I need to send my high school transcripts to some colleges, but I'm not sure how to request them online. Can someone explain how the process works and if there's a website I should use? Thank you!

8 months ago

Hi there! The process for requesting high school transcripts online can vary depending on your high school and the colleges you're applying to. Here are some general steps you can follow to request your transcripts online:

1. Check with your high school: First, visit your high school's website or contact your guidance counselor to find out what their specific process is for requesting transcripts. Some schools may have their own online system or use a third-party service like Naviance, Parchment, or SCOIR to send transcripts electronically.

2. Create an account: If your school uses a third-party service, you'll usually need to create an account on that service's website. You'll typically be asked to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your name, date of birth, and student ID number.

3. Select colleges: Once you've created an account and logged in, search for the colleges you're applying to, and follow the prompts to request your transcripts be sent to those schools. Keep in mind that there might be fees associated with sending your transcripts to each college, so be prepared to pay these fees when making your request.

4. Submit your request: After selecting the colleges and covering any necessary fees, submit your request. You should receive a confirmation email or message indicating that your request has been submitted successfully.

5. Track your transcript: Most platforms allow you to track the status of your transcript request, so you can ensure it's been received by the colleges you're applying to. If your request hasn't been marked as complete within a week or two, consider following up with your high school or the transcript service to check on the status.

It's important to be aware of the deadlines for the colleges you're applying to, and to request your transcripts with plenty of time for them to be sent and processed. Remember to double-check with your high school and the colleges you're applying to for any specific instructions or requirements pertaining to transcripts. Good luck!

8 months ago

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