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Understanding Illinois State Requirements for High School?

I'm an incoming freshman in Illinois and I want to make sure I meet all the state requirements for high school graduation. What are the main requirements, including courses and credits, that I need to fulfill before graduation? Any advice would be appreciated!

a month ago

As an incoming freshman in Illinois, it's essential to be aware of the state's high school graduation requirements so you can plan your course load accordingly. Keep in mind that individual school districts may have additional requirements beyond the state minimum, so make sure to consult your school's guidance counselor for detailed information. However, here's a general overview of the main graduation requirements for Illinois.

1. Course requirements: To graduate from an Illinois high school, students must complete a minimum of 20 units of credit in specific subject areas:

- English Language Arts: 4 years (composed of written and oral communication, literature, and reading)

- Mathematics: 3 years (1 year of Algebra I and 1 year that includes Geometry content)

- Science: 2 years (laboratory sciences)

- Social Science: 2 years (1 year must be U.S. History or a combination of U.S. History and American Government, and at least 1 semester must be Civics)

- Physical Education: 3 years (unless specified exemptions apply)

- Health Education: 1 semester

- Career Education: 1 year (can include courses in art, music, foreign language, or vocational education)

2. Credits: Generally, 1 unit of credit equates to a year-long course. You'll need a minimum of 20 credits to fulfill the state's requirements, but many schools require more credits for graduation (commonly 24 to 26). Check with your school's guidance counselor for specifics.

3. Assessments: Illinois students are required to take the PSAT/NMSQT in their freshman, sophomore, and junior years. Seniors are required to take the SAT, which is provided statewide in the spring of your junior year. However, there is no minimum score required for graduation.

4. Other requirements: Apart from the academic coursework, Illinois students must also complete Constitution tests related to both the United States and Illinois constitutions. You will typically take these exams in your U.S. History or Civics class.

Remember, these are the state-level requirements, and individual districts or schools may have additional requirements or offer advanced classes, such as honors or AP courses. Make sure you discuss your plans with your high school counselor to ensure you meet all the requirements for your specific school and to create a well-rounded experience during your high school years. Good luck!

a month ago

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