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How many research universities exist in the United States?

Hey everyone, I'm working on narrowing down my college list and I've been focusing on research universities lately. I'm just curious, does anybody have an idea of how many research universities there are within the US? It would help me put things in perspective. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're narrowing down your college list and focusing on research universities. Research universities typically emphasize high levels of research activity and offer a wide variety of undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degree programs.

To give you a rough idea, there are around 190 research universities in the United States. Of these, 131 belong to the coveted 'R1' category, which indicates the highest level of research activity. The remaining are categorized as 'R2' or 'R3' depending on their research activity levels. You can find this classification by accessing the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education website.

As you continue your search, I recommend looking into specific research opportunities and programs offered at each university that align with your interests. College websites and resources like CollegeVine can be excellent sources of information. Best of luck with your college search!

a year ago

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