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How can I find potential colleges that offer financial aid for international students?

As an international student, finding financial aid for college is really important to me. How can I search for colleges in the US that offer generous financial aid for international students? Any resources, tips, or personal experiences would be much appreciated. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! I understand how important financial aid is, especially for international students. There are databases and online resources that offer insights into the financial aid opportunities available at U.S. colleges.

My child found the CollegeVine and College Board's Big Future websites to be incredibly helpful. They allow you to search for colleges, filter by factors such as location and majors, and view data on financial aid and scholarships for international students.

Additionally, you could check individual college websites for their financial aid policies and contact financial aid offices to get more information. Don't hesitate to reach out and ask questions – they're there to help!

Another tip for maximizing financial aid is to apply to colleges with need-blind admissions policies for international students and those known for offering generous financial aid packages (e.g., Ivy League schools).

Best of luck in your search, and don't forget to cast a wide net in terms of applications to increase your chances of getting great financial aid offers!

a year ago

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