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Will having a sibling at an Ivy League help my chances?

Hey all! My older sibling is currently attending an Ivy League school, and I'm wondering if that will have any impact on my chances of getting admitted there too. Does sibling legacy factor into admissions decisions? Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great to see that you're interested in the same Ivy League school as your sibling. It's not uncommon for families to have that kind of connection with a university. While having a sibling at the school you're applying to might not have as much weight as a parent legacy, it can still have a positive, though small, impact on your admissions chances.

Ivy League schools, like most other colleges, appreciate legacy applicants, which can include siblings. It might show that their traditions and values are passed down within families. However, it's essential to understand that sibling legacy is just one aspect of your application.

To make your application as competitive as possible, focus on other crucial factors like academics, extracurriculars, essays, and recommendations. Ivy League schools have holistic admissions processes, which means they take many factors into account when considering applicants. Having a sibling at the school might be a small bonus, but it's not a guarantee. It's always a good idea to cast a wide net when applying to colleges and not rely solely on the legacy factor. Best of luck to you!

a year ago

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