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Is a 4 on an AP exam good enough for the Ivy League?

I recently got my AP scores and, while most of my scores are 5's, I received a 4 on one of the tests. Will Ivy League schools look down on that, or is a 4 still considered good enough for those universities? Appreciate any insight!

a year ago

Congratulations on your AP scores! It's important to remember that colleges, especially the Ivy League, look at the whole application rather than focusing solely on one aspect like AP exam scores. While a 5 is the highest score possible and might be more impressive, a score of 4 is still considered good and indicates a strong understanding of the subject material.

Admissions officers consider several factors, such as your GPA, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendations. Your AP scores are just one piece of the puzzle. In fact, some students who have been admitted to Ivy League schools may have had a mixture of 4's and 5's on their AP exams, or even a 3 on a specific exam.

It's important to focus on the bigger picture while always striving for improvement. Continue to work hard in your courses and consider taking more challenging classes to demonstrate your dedication to your education. Ultimately, your entire application will be evaluated, and a single score of 4 on an AP exam is not likely to make or break your chances of getting into an Ivy League school. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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