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Are standardized test scores still important with so many test-optional schools?

Hi everybody, with many schools going test-optional due to covid, I'm wondering if standardized test scores are still important in college admissions? Should I still prioritize preparing for the SAT/ACT? Thanks for the help!

a year ago

Hello! It's true that many schools have adopted test-optional policies recently due to Covid-19. While this can give you some flexibility, standardized test scores still hold their value in the college admissions process. The weight of these scores might vary from college to college, but they are far from irrelevant.

Preparing for the SAT/ACT can still be beneficial, as strong scores can help distinguish your application and open up scholarship opportunities. Even at test-optional schools, applicants who submit competitive scores might have an edge over those who don't. However, prioritize based on your strengths and where you think you'll be able to shine. If you excel in areas outside of standardized testing, focus on amplifying those aspects of your application like extracurriculars, your GPA, and essays.

Each student's situation is unique, so it's essential to tailor your approach accordingly. If you decide to take the SAT/ACT, remember that colleges are looking for well-rounded applicants, so don't neglect other areas of your application.

Best of luck with your college application process!

a year ago

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