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SAT: 720 math
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Is a 1480 SAT score competitive for Ivy League admissions?

Hello! I recently received a 1480 on my SAT and I'm planning on applying to Ivy League schools. Is this score good enough for these top-tier schools, or should I retake the test and try for a higher score? Any advice is appreciated!

a year ago

Hello there! First off, congratulations on your SAT score—that's a great achievement! A 1480 is definitely a strong score. However, in the context of Ivy League admissions, it's essential to understand that these schools have highly competitive applicant pools. Their average SAT scores often range from the high 1400s to mid 1500s, so it can be helpful to aim for a higher score if you think you can improve.

That being said, remember that your SAT score is only one component of your application. Admissions officers will also consider your grades, course rigor, extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation. Holistic evaluation means that even if your SAT score is on the lower end of the range, you can still stand out in other areas.

Before retaking the test, consider your other application strengths and how much time you have to prepare. If you feel confident in your ability to raise your score and still maintain strong grades and involvement in activities, it might be worth attempting the test again. However, if you're stretched thin, focus on refining the other aspects of your application. Good luck!

a year ago

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