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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where is Harvard University located?

This might sound like a stupid question, but can someone tell me where exactly Harvard University is located? I know it's in Massachusetts, but I'd like to know more about the surrounding area and what it's like. Thanks!

a month ago

No question is a stupid question, so don't worry! Harvard University is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which is part of the Greater Boston area. Cambridge is situated directly north of the city of Boston, on the other side of the Charles River. The area is known for its vibrant intellectual atmosphere and beautiful historic neighborhoods.

Harvard Square is the heart of the university and surrounding community, featuring a mix of bookstores, coffee shops, restaurants, and boutiques. There's always something happening in the area, with frequent street performers and seasonal events like farmers markets. Additionally, Cambridge is known for its strong arts and cultural scene, hosting various museums and art galleries.

If you're looking for more urban excitement, downtown Boston is just a short subway ride away on the MBTA's Red Line, offering access to various attractions, shopping centers, and sports venues. Overall, the location of Harvard University provides diverse opportunities for both academic pursuits and leisure activities, creating an enriching environment for students.

a month ago

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