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Eastern Michigan admissions requirements?

Hi everyone! I recently started looking into Eastern Michigan University and was wondering if anyone could provide some insight into their admission requirements? I'm trying to figure out if I have a good shot at getting in. Thanks!

a month ago

Eastern Michigan University (EMU) has a holistic admissions process, and they consider various factors when evaluating applicants. Here are the key components of their admissions requirements:

1. High school transcript: EMU requires a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.0. However, the middle 50% range for accepted students usually falls between a 2.8 and 3.5 GPA. They will review the type of courses you took, as well as the trends and rigor of your academic record.

2. Test scores: For the 2024-2025 application cycle, EMU adopted a test-optional policy. This means that submitting your SAT/ACT scores is not required for admission. However, if you believe your test scores will strengthen your application, you can choose to submit them. When sending scores, use the EMU code (1201 for SAT or 1990 for ACT). Historically, the middle 50% SAT range is 1038-1170, and the middle 50% ACT range is 18-25 for accepted students.

3. Personal Statement/Essays: EMU requires all applicants to write a personal statement. This is your chance to showcase your unique experiences, accomplishments, and goals. Make sure to be genuine and put forth your best effort to highlight your strengths.

4. Extracurricular activities: While not explicitly required, your involvement in extracurricular activities and community service can illustrate your commitment and set you apart from other applicants. Leadership roles, sustained involvement over time, and initiative in various projects demonstrate your potential to contribute to EMU's community.

5. Letters of recommendation: EMU does not require letters of recommendation, but you may submit up to two if you feel they will enhance your application. Recommendations should ideally come from teachers, counselors, or other adults who can speak to your academic achievements and personal qualities.

To improve your chances of being accepted, make sure your application is well-rounded and highlights all your strengths. Strong academics, involvement in activities, and a well-written personal statement will make you a competitive candidate. Good luck!

a month ago

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