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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to Calculate GPA on a 5.0 Scale?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to calculate my GPA, but I'm confused about the 5.0 scale and how it works. Can someone explain the 5.0 GPA scale, and perhaps recommend an online calculator I can use to determine my GPA?

8 months ago

To calculate your GPA on a 5.0 scale, you'll first need to understand how your grades correspond to this scale. Typically, the 5.0 scale is used when there are Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses involved, as these are weighted more heavily due to their advanced curriculum. Here's a simple breakdown of the grade conversion:

- A in a regular course: 4.0

- A in an AP/IB course: 5.0

- B in a regular course: 3.0

- B in an AP/IB course: 4.0

- C in a regular course: 2.0

- C in an AP/IB course: 3.0

- D in a regular course: 1.0

- D in an AP/IB course: 2.0

- F (failing) in any course: 0.0

First, convert each of your letter grades to the corresponding 5.0 scale value according to this system. Next, multiply each value by the number of credits associated with that course, then add up the sum of all products. Finally, divide the total sum by the total number of credits to calculate your weighted GPA.

For example, let's say you have taken three courses: a regular course with an A (3 credits), an AP course with a B (4 credits), and a regular course with a C (3 credits). Your calculation would look like this:

(4.0 x 3) + (4.0 x 4) + (2.0 x 3) = 12 + 16 + 6 = 34

Now, divide the sum (34) by the total number of credits (10) to find your GPA:

34 ÷ 10 = 3.4

In this example, your GPA on a 5.0 scale would be 3.4.

There are online calculators available for this purpose; some allow you to input your letter grades and credit hours to make the calculation even easier. Best of luck!

8 months ago

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